The launch of the first stage in NatureScot’s public engagement process for a new National Park in Galloway has been warmly welcomed by the teams behind the bid.

An online portal is now open, giving clear, factual information about the process, the timetable and how the community across the region can get involved.

Galloway was chosen from among five competing areas as the preferred location for what would be the third National Park in Scotland. 

The National Park bid has been made jointly by the Galloway National Park Association (GNPA) and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership.

They are urging the public, and organisations across the area to take part in the consultation and ensure the fullest possible range of voices is heard.

Sandra Mcdowall, Vice Chair of GNPA, said: “This is a really exciting moment – we warmly welcome the start of the formal process and the plans that NatureScot have outlined to consult as widely as possible on the project.

“It’s especially welcome that they are going to great lengths to ensure people can easily find out exactly what the proposals would mean.

Local democracy is hugely important and we want everyone to get involved and have their say. And it’s vital for people to get the facts.

“It’s great that NatureScot will be doing so much to set out what the plans really mean so there can be a well-informed debate. Our ambition is not just to have a National Park, but for it to be shaped by the needs and interests of the people and the place.”

If the proposal goes ahead it has the potential to bring significant investment from Scottish Government, increasing prosperity and helping to secure a sustainable future.

If the plan does not go ahead this will be lost.

Sandra said: “This is a one-off chance to get large-scale ongoing investment for our area that is designed to help Galloway thrive and prosper. 

“We hope local people will help make this possible by engaging with the NatureScot Reporter fully over the next few months.”

During the public consultation NatureScot will host platforms for digital engagement as well as meetings and drop-in sessions at community hubs across Dumfries & Galloway, East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire.

This will give all residents, organisations, businesses and other interested groups the opportunity to participate in shaping how a Galloway National Park would function and the powers it would have.

The public consultation will run through November to the end of January and NatureScot, as Reporter, will submit their findings to Ministers at the end of April next year.

John Thomson, Acting Chair of the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership, said: “Galloway’s designation as a UNESCO Biosphere testifies not only to the importance of its natural and cultural heritage but also to its potential as a place where local communities can chart a path to a better and more sustainable future. 

“We see the proposed Galloway National Park as a marvellous opportunity to build upon the efforts that the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership has already made to help them to achieve this goal. 

“It is central to our ethos as a Biosphere that local people should have the widest possible chance to contribute to the development of what we see as a designation very much complementary to our own. We are therefore delighted with NatureScot’s plans for an inclusive and comprehensive public consultation.

“Our vision for a Galloway National Park encompasses everything we know to be priorities for the people who live here, and with nothing yet decided on the proposal this is a unique chance for everyone to play a part in shaping what the GNP could look like, if communities and Ministers agree that this is the best way forward for Galloway. We encourage everyone to have their say and look forward to supporting NatureScot in any way we can.”

The NatureScot portal is at

Information about the reporting process can be seen here.

It explains:

  • the plan
  • the process
  • the different phases of work
  • how and when people can find out more
  • how and when they can take part in the consultation.

Anyone wishing to contact NatureScot directly with regard to the Galloway National Park proposal, including to request a meeting for a local community group or other organisation, is invited to email directly via [email protected].


Note to Editors

About the National Park proposal

A National Park for Galloway would promote and conserve some of Scotland’s most magnificent landscapes. It would attract visitors and allow a fragile rural economy to rebuild and thrive whilst helping Scotland tackle its biodiversity and climate change challenges.

Creating the park would go a long way to meeting the country’s commitment to protect at least 30% of its land for nature by 2030. The suggested boundaries would extend from Dumfries & Galloway into South Ayrshire and East Ayrshire. This area not only meets the criteria set out in the National Parks (Scotland) Act, but our research shows there is widespread enthusiasm for the idea.

Galloway National Park Association has had conversations with over 2,000 people at over 100 meetings and events across the area. The resounding feedback is that Galloway wants a National Park.

  • Our questionnaire showed that 84% of respondents are in favour of a National Park.
  • The need for a National Park has increased since we started work – Galloway continues to fall further behind the rest of Scotland in economic terms.
  • Galloway’s dispersed rural population presents additional challenges but the long-term security of being a National Park is seen by many communities and businesses as a catalyst for their development.
  • COVID recovery and the current recession continues to have a huge impact on the area: National Park status will help to redress this.
  • The 2020 and 2021 holiday seasons showed a clear need for more resources to help manage tourists and ensure a high-quality experience for visitors and locals alike.
  • The national and international recognition that a National Park would bring to people to Galloway would help drive a green recovery across many sectors and attract people to live and work in the area.

The case for Galloway

There is strong public and business backing for it to be in Galloway, where there is an urgent need for regeneration, as it will bring lasting and widespread benefits by:

  • Making the most of our fabulous countryside and coastlines
  • Generating sustainable tourism
  • Creating business opportunities and jobs
  • Providing a marketing brand that will put us on a world stage
  • Attracting millions of pounds a year in investment and income
  • Making space for nature to recover and flourish as a key part of the area’s response to climate change
  • Improving health and wellbeing 
  • Offering opportunities for leisure and outdoor activities
  • Encouraging young people and families to remain or return to the region.

GNPA also believes that Galloway is the best place for Scotland’s next National Park because:

  • It has a unique mix of rolling farmland, low hills, wild moors, mountains and coastline – adding real diversity to Scotland’s family of National Parks.
  • Unlike some parts of Scotland there is ample opportunity, and need, for an increase in sustainable tourism.
  • It offers easy access to wonderful countryside for all ages and abilities, including economically deprived communities across south-west Scotland.
  • Extensive public and business support for a Galloway National Park shows that the region is ready and eager to seize the opportunities it would bring.

About GNPA

Galloway National Park Association is a community-based group with trustees from across the region. We started work in 2017 and have over 1000 members, young supporters and business champions. Our objects are:

  • To promote the protection, conservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural assets of the area for public benefit.
  • To promote, undertake and publish research into issues affecting conservation and enjoyment of the natural and cultural heritage of the area and to identify how this may be furthered through the designation of a National Park.
  • To advance public education in and understanding of how a National Park could contribute to improving health and wellbeing through the enjoyment, understanding or enhancement of the area’s natural and cultural asset”.

Rob Lucas is the association’s Chair and Sandra McDowall the Vice Chair. Dame Barbara Kelly is the President. The association has been funded by membership and donations, and contributions from Scottish Campaign for National Parks, Dumfries & Galloway Council, South Ayrshire Council and East Ayrshire Council. 

About the Biosphere

Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere has been recognised internationally as a world class environment for people and nature. 

The UNESCO Biosphere designation was awarded in 2012 in recognition of the fantastic array of landscapes, wildlife, cultural heritage and learning opportunities that SW Scotland offers for communities, businesses and visitors to experience and celebrate in a sustainable way.

The Biosphere designation brings no new rules or regulations but rather encourages us to work together to create a better future for people and nature.

A UNESCO Biosphere:

  • is a special designation awarded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to areas renowned for their exceptional environments which are valued by local people. They are places of cooperation and collaboration that show that a sustainable way of living is not only possible but already happening. 
  • has four main functions:
  • Conservation: promoting the preservation of wildlife, habitats and landscape.
  • Learning: supporting a better understanding of nature and global issues.
  • Development: fostering a sustainable economy and society.
  • Climate Change: supporting mitigation and adaptation in a changing global environment
  • is an area that demonstrates a way of living and working that benefits people and nature.

Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere covers almost 9,800km² of land and sea.  It was the first in Scotland and is part of a family of over 740 UNESCO Biospheres worldwide. 

The Biosphere is a Registered Scottish Charity (SC044137) led by a partnership board that has representation from communities, businesses, organisations and agencies with an interest in the region. 

For more information visit or contact:

Galloway National Park Association is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered with OSCR (SC047398) on 9th May 2017

For media information contact: Rob Lucas 07808 775901 or Matthew Shelley on 07786 704299 or at [email protected]