Young people in Dumfries and Galloway are being invited to take the lead in an exciting theatre initiative to stage the Scottish premiere of Black Roses. The poetic work, by Simon Armitage, explores the murder of Sophie Lancaster in 2007. Sophie and her...
The first details have been revealed for the 10th annual MagicFest – Edinburgh’s much-loved celebration of all things magical. It will perform a special trick of its own – vanishing from its old spot in the summer only to reappear, transformed, in the Festive Season...
SFPR is pleased to welcome Pam Dochard to the team. As many people in Scotland’s performing arts world will already know Pam is the media relations voice for Horsecross Arts, the creative organisation behind Perth Concert Hall and Perth Theatre. One of her many recent...
Schoolboy Chao, runs away from the world of junk food and decayed teeth for a new, healthier life. But those villains won’t give up without a fight. Triplex Adventures is a musical showcase being brought to the Fringe for one performance only by primary school...
★★★★★ “This generation’s Flight of The Conchords, but with bite.” – NZEP ★★★★★ “The most energetic, joyous event at the fest ”– KUWNZ ★★★★ “Go. Laugh till the tears run down your face.” – Musical Theatre Review, UK ★★★★ “Expectantly hilarious, and gloriously catchy” –...