Pennies from Heaven? – an exhibition inspired by the historic Galloway Glens hydro scheme that explores energy, climate change and consumerism is soon to open in Dumfries. It follows a successful series of events on Saturday, including artists’ walks and a tour...
Two of Scotland’s best-loved cultural events are joining forces to promote Dumfries and Galloway as a centre of high-quality contemporary arts. In May and June this year Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival and Spring Fling open studios will be offering around 200...
Prize marks United Nations International Year of Indigenous LanguagesNew pamphlet prize reflecting the life of poet Alistair ReidNew association with StAnza Festival Wigtown’s international poetry prize has announced major changes designed to celebrate the richness of...
A Spring Fling artist is painting 16 one-foot square portraits before cutting up her subjects, cooking them and writing a recipe booklet. Hope London, from Wigtown, will exhibit her pictures of fruit, vegetables and herbs at the Shoots and Leaves vegetarian and vegan...
A play about a Moray fishing family is homeward bound – heading for Eden Court, Inverness as part of its world premiere tour. Lost at Sea is an epic tale by Burghead writer Morna Young, which she describes as “a personal tribute to Northeast Scotland’s fishing...